If you need prayer, please submit a request our prayer team will follow up with you.

September Prayer Week

Join us for our 3 day fast


Monday, September 16th - Wednesday, September 18th

We will break the fast together on Wednesday, September 18th at 7 pm.  Register below to let us know you're coming!

Intro: Unreasonable Church

Join us for prayer & fasting.  We are believing to be an unreasonable church with uneasonable belief!

Day 1: Unreasonable Belief

When we mediate on God's word and put our confidence and hope in the Lord we will not be moved no matter what comes our way.

Day 2: Unreasonable Hospitality

Unreasonable hospitality is more than opening our homes; it's about opening our hearts.

Day 3: Unreasonable Generosity

True generosity isn't about how much we have; it's about our willingness to trust God with what we do have.