Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our mission is to support parents in teaching their children to know God and live by His word.
It is our goal that every child experience God in our caring, nurturing and safe environment.
Your kids will experience singing, prayer, interactive teaching and fun developmental activities.
We start receiving children at 10:15 a.m. for our 10:30 a.m. service. Our greeters and volunteers are happy to help you through the easy check-in process. For more information, please contact kids@valleygatechurch.org.

The nursery class is an environment focused on nurturing our kids at this important, developmental age. They will enjoy praise time, prayer, and hands- on activities to plant seeds about God and His love in their hearts.
The nursery class is an environment focused on nurturing our kids at this important, developmental age. They will enjoy praise time, prayer, and hands- on activities to plant seeds about God and His love in their hearts.
(3-5 YRS OLD )
Our PreK class is divided in two groups. PreK1 is for two and three year olds. PreK2 is for four and five year olds not yet in Kindergarten. These groups continues to nurture our children with age appropriate lessons and activities by teaching them about God’s word through praise and worship, play, and
scripture lessons.
(3-5 YRS OLD )
Our PreK class is divided in two groups. PreK1 is for two and three year olds. PreK2 is for four and five year olds not yet in Kindergarten. These groups continues to nurture our children with age appropriate lessons and activities by teaching them about God’s word through praise and worship, play, and
scripture lessons.
(K - 4TH GRD)
Our early elementary class focuses on providing engaging atmosphere with age-appropriate teachings to share God’s wisdom and love. Our elementary kids enjoy praise and worship, an interactive lesson, group discussion and games.
(K - 4TH GRD)
Our early elementary class focuses on providing engaging atmosphere with age-appropriate teachings to share God’s wisdom and love. Our elementary kids enjoy praise and worship, an interactive lesson, group discussion and games.