
In all we do, Valley Gate Church will be marked by these 3 things:  Loving God,  Living for Him, and Leading People To Christ. “Loving, Living, and Leading."


Valley Gate Church exists to be a church that honors God, advances His kingdom and makes disciples.

Who We Are

We are a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church that launched our weekly services on January 24, 2016, in Tempe, Arizona. Through our powerful worship, relevant messages, and engaging children and youth ministries, we work hard to create an atmosphere that allows the entire family to encounter Christ and authentic relationships.  Valley Gate is part of a global movement of churches called Every Nation dedicated to preaching the gospel to every nation, reaching the next generation on the college campus, and church planting. We are a church plant sent from Grace Covenant Church in DC and Grace Covenant Church in Chantilly, VA.  Check out our Visit page for details about our weekly worship service, Events page or Next Steps page to find out how to get connected at the Gate. If you have questions email us at info@valleygatechurch.org. We look forward to meeting you soon!

our creed

VGC our theme for 2024 is TOGETHER

Ephesians 2:21-22 says,
21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 
22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

We are a church fitted, growing, and built together to advance God’s Kingdom in the Valley of the Sun.
Together we will LOVE God, LIVE for Him, and LEAD people to Christ.  
This is our calling so let’s do it “TOGETHER!”


Darryl Morrison

Lead Pastor

Vincent Dinh

Small Groups Pastor

JoAnn Morrison

Director of Engagement + Women's Ministry

Sam Morrison

Youth Director

Sara Munyan

VGC Kids  Director + Equip

London Finley

Media Director

Cecile Dinh

Staff Accountant

Gail Mitchell

Staff Admin


Pastor Darryl Morrison, a native of Arizona, along with his wife Jo Ann and their 5 children lived in Northern Virginia.  In January 2014, on a trip to Phoenix, AZ with his son Samuel, the Lord  impressed upon his hearts to return  to Phoenix  to plant a church.
In the  fall of 2015 after being away from Phoenix for 20+ years, Pastor Darryl and family moved to Phoenix and planted Valley Gate Church. Valley Gate Church was birthed out of their burning desire to obey God, make disciples, and in the process make the Valley of the Sun a place that shines bright with the radiance of God.

Over the next few months Pastor Darryl along with his pastoral leadership and friends prayed about this calling to Phoenix. After much prayer and due diligence Darryl and Jo Ann took the next step in the process and in August 2014 attended Every Nation’s Assessment Center in Nashville, TN to help them discern their calling, affirm their strengths, and identify their weaknesses.  The Phoenix Church plant was announced to the Grace Covenant DC family in September 2014. The next several months were a whirlwind of planning meetings, visits to other church plants, and attending Every Nation’s Bootcamp for church planter in Nashville, TN.

In early 2015 Ps. Darryl began traveling to Phoenix for information meetings with folks on the ground to begin to spread the word that Valley Gate Church was coming later that year. In March of 2015 a team of about 20 people came to scout out the place that we would call home in just a few short months. It was a wonderful time of fellowship, exploration, and confirmation for everyone! The team moved over the summer months and began meeting monthly at Pyle Recreation Center in Tempe, AZ for Bible Study and launch service planning. We began having preview services once a month on Sunday, October 18th at a beautiful facility located in Tempe, Rio Salado Community College Conference Center. Our final preview service was December 20th and we officially launched weekly services on Sunday, January 24th 2016 with 182 people.

Today after 6 years in existence and navigating a pandemic we have almost 250 people in weekly attendance and have seen over 100 people make a public declaration of their faith through water baptism. Our work continues, we are committed to impacting our community, and equipping believers to love God, be living examples, and lead others to Christ. God continually shows Valley Gate favor as we commit to honor Him and advance His kingdom in the Valley of the Sun.

Beliefs & Values