Be it & Become a Together Church

Feb 2, 2025    Pastor Darryl Morrison

Be It & Become A Together Church

This message is brought to you by Pastor Darryl Morrison

Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16

1. Walk It Out (vs. 1-3)

-Lowliness and Humility: Humbling ourselves for the sake of lifting another up.

-Meekness: The second word

-Patience:Thirdly, there is patience (makrothymia), a word of slowness in avenging wrong or retaliating when hurt by another.

-Longsuffering: Forbearance

Summary for Point One: Together Must Begin With Who:

If we are called and committed to living our lives together we all from time to time will need our attitudes checked.

Who are you serving?

Who am I enduring with during difficult times?

Am I being slow to retaliate?

Whose weaknesses am I bearing?

2. Willing To Believe and Obey Together (vs. 4-6)

(The Power of One)

- One Body

- One Spirit

- One Baptism

- One Lord

- One God and Father

The Power of One gives us the power to live together as one. We must have a shared belief systems, not a fluid ideology that changes based upon the world, but one that is rooted in the ways and word of Christ.

3. Willing to Mature and Grow Together (vs. 7-16)(Grow Up Together)

- The Grace of Our Diversities (vs. 7-16)

- To each of us is given different gifts for the benefit of all.

- Dependency upon one another and benefiting all (vs. 11-12)

- Equipping and Edifying (vs. 13-14)

- Fortifying/Strengthening Your Faith (vs. 15-16)

- Maturity, Serving and Growing


The sermon that you hear will not change your life, the sermon that you apply will!!!

Let’s Be Together, Let’s Become A Together Church!